

 STAGES OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT  An international contract has mainly 5 stages. 1. ENGAGEMENT PHASE. This includes gathering information about the parties to the contract, their address, location, directors and every useful information connected to it. It also includes gathering data on the purpose of the contract, the subject matter, and the short and long term relationships. 2. ANALYTICAL PHASE. This mainly includes checking the collected data for compliance with the legal system underwhich the contract is governed, and the requirements of the parties. It also includes assessing the safety of your interests in the said contract. 3. DRAFTING PHASE. Here you first select thr language of the contract. Use clear and unambiguous words in the simplest language possible. If the contract is in two languages (with a translated part), choose which language shall prevail in case of ambiguity. 4. EXECUTION. The parties append their signatures to the contract. Ensure that the person appendin

The Trial of An Eagle (What I write when I am hungry)

On a Saturday morning of last summer, Mrs. Eagle paid an impromptu visit to my farm. I was still rolling in my double bed Mazongoto  when I heard a shriek and cry from my fowls. Tipson, my 3 year old dog swung into action along side Topsin, the cat. Tipson and Topsin always fight together and engage themselves in a dog-cat chase, except when the fowls raise an alarm. In the event that I have called them for food or anything that requires their attendance, they come running together slapping their tails against each other. So upon a loud mob cry from my birds, Tipson and Topsin joined the chase as I also dashed out of my comfortable sweet morning bed. The rays of the rising sun struck my eyes to partial blindness for 3 seconds but I didn't give damn because I was on the way to arrest a thief. So two useful pets catch up with an eagle which was just trying to have one of the hens for it's breakfast. The apprehension was finished by Topsin and who alongside Tipson came running to

I am not Bill, you're mistaken. What I write when I am Hungry.

 A new tale. So this one evening, I was in a nightclub. Specifically at H2O Kololo. I saw this cute light-skinned babe. She was looking hot. I took two steps back for a closer sight. You know club lights can make an old grannie look 24. So I had to be careful and make a thorough observation. I kept stealing an eye on her multiple times, but later decided to let her realize that I was deliberately paying attention to her. After confirming the expectation, I could then make my move. I first visited the washrooms to _ kunyara obwooba _.  Comfortable, with my glass in hand, I walked straight to her with a feigned air of confidence. Eye to eye contact, I approached her table, instead of maintaining the eye contact, I stood and faced the direction where her face was facing. So we happened to be looking at the same thing; a group of young girls shaking their bodies vigorously like they have got no bones. The girls had little nyash but they were over-shaking.  After some 30 seconds of silence

Financial Markets and Investment Banking; Unlocking the potential giant fulcrum in the East Africa’s Economy.

  In 2021, the media reported the closure of two big companies in Uganda, one being a Supermarket company (Shoprite), and another a Telecommunication agency (Africell). Yet these examples are only a drop in the ocean of the many business enterprises that collapse year in year out and close operations from the Ugandan market. The cause of such closure can or may be attributed to low market base, and operation at break-even or shutdown for long periods of time. Yet what attributes all these to companies here in Uganda yet the very same companies are making progress outside Uganda? Is it that Ugandan population is not responsive or because of the generally low economic base, or mismanagement? The devil lies in the answer to this question though I try to digest some of the facts here in this article. Corporate growth in any economy is normally facilitated by business development companies. These are entities started mainly to assist the development of other companies. Thus companies that d


  SMILES OF THE MOON Harry looked up at the moon, he saw the beaming God’s heavenly night creature, which is meant to provide light and hope for lost souls like him. He wondered if the smiles of the moon were a ray of hope for his situation. His tear-drained eyes met with the eyes of the shining moon, she was still smiling at him. The reflection of his tears seemed to him that the moon was also shedding tears, but no, she was smiling. He wondered whether God got some beautiful girl and crafted her into a moon. If she were on earth, he thought of the moon, I would marry her. But then, things had failed him, his situation was hopeless. He could not think of marriage again at this stage. It was as though all the troubles of the demons had befallen him. Harry was no believer in superstition, but he knew some information on the creatures of the dark, the vampires he had heard in stories, the demons he had heard of, and the witches whom he had been told move at night. Life for a White in a B


  THE TIME TRAVELLING ECONOMIST Why Education, Electricity, and Fertility rates are key to escaping Poverty. Author: Charlie Robertson . London, UK Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. Review by Prosper Julian Ahabwe. The Time Travelling Economist is a book describing the success and failure of world economies focusing on the role played by Education, Electricity, and Fertility rates in their development. The nomenclature of the title (The Time Travelling Economist) is reflected,  in that it walks through centuries, and across all nations of the globe.   Charlie Robertson in this book explains the undeniable importance of adult literacy as a driver to industrialization and economic development. However, he advances the argument that literacy alone is incapable of delivering economic growth in the absence of adequate electricity to run the factories. Yet, even in the presence of the two; Education and Electricity, countries still need the finances to run these industries- which financ


The Book: WHY NATIONS FAIL; THE ORIGINS OF POWER, PROSPERITY, AND POVERTY   by Acemoglu & Robinson  A REVIEW AND CONTEMPORARY INTERPRETATION IN UGANDA. By Prosper Ahabwe. Katanga Slum Area.                                                                       Overview of Kampala Capital City. . 1. A Brief Review of the Book In the book, Acemoglu and Robinson, discuss the Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. The book centers on the reason behind the successes and failures of nations in the Universe, paying a closer look at historical examples. The book pays close attention to the rise of European countries and the road to the Industrial Revolution, and why the Industrial revolution was delayed by the extractive and exclusive nature of their institutions. This was visibly seen in the failure of some ventures like the first discovery of the steamboat which was frustrating, the knitting machine, and other discoveries which were delayed due to sham institutions. The book also pay