
Showing posts from September, 2023

Financial Markets and Investment Banking; Unlocking the potential giant fulcrum in the East Africa’s Economy.

  In 2021, the media reported the closure of two big companies in Uganda, one being a Supermarket company (Shoprite), and another a Telecommunication agency (Africell). Yet these examples are only a drop in the ocean of the many business enterprises that collapse year in year out and close operations from the Ugandan market. The cause of such closure can or may be attributed to low market base, and operation at break-even or shutdown for long periods of time. Yet what attributes all these to companies here in Uganda yet the very same companies are making progress outside Uganda? Is it that Ugandan population is not responsive or because of the generally low economic base, or mismanagement? The devil lies in the answer to this question though I try to digest some of the facts here in this article. Corporate growth in any economy is normally facilitated by business development companies. These are entities started mainly to assist the development of other companies. Thus companies that d