
Showing posts from March, 2020

Why Africa fails

At times I feel it absurd finding that Africans always wait for powers abroad to help them change their situation. It is high time we left that state and started thinking about our own participation in the change we desire. Mao Ze Dong had this to say “On whom should we rest the burden of our own transformation? It should rest on our own strength, and that means regeneration through one's own efforts. We are not alone; all the countries and people in the world opposed to imperialism are our friends. Nevertheless, we stress regeneration through our own efforts. Relying on the forces we ourselves organize, we can defeat all our social and economic life enemies.” I would like us Ugandans to borrow a leaf from this work of Mao. We keep on expecting foreign bodies, government and neighbors to help transform our situation. We ourselves can address the problems we face. Just focus  on the future you want, but also work in unison with other people is society for the common good.